There is two SQL servers and DTC is enabled both of them.

One SQL server is local and another one is a linked server named test.

Run a Distributed Transaction in SQL server for test purpose:

after running the T-SQL transaction you can check in the DTC report.


you can check the DTC connection and firewall settings:

DTC ping tool

In powershell:

If the remote server is another domain,  you will get an error:
New-CimSession : WinRM cannot process the request. The following error with errorcode 0x80090322 occurred while using Kerberos authentication: An unknown security error occurred.

In this case you can set: No Authentication Required.


DTC and Java

How to enable DTC in SQL server for Java:

– copy sqljdbc_xa.dll to sql server binn folder from the EXTRACTED (but not installed) jdbc driver
– enable xa transactions in component services > computerts > Distributed Transaction Coordinator > Local DTC (properties, security tab) Enable XA transactions
– restart sql server (all components to be sure)
– run script on master db. (xa_install.sql it is also in the jdbc driver, next to the .sql)
– the user that will perform distributed transactions must have the role “SqlJDBCXAUser” set on the MASTER db!

Windows Performance tools

  1. install WPT on the affected host. WPT is part of ADK. Or they can just download this archive – extract it on the server into C:\msdata folder. They should have at least 5Gb free space on that disk
  2. Run elevated CMD and execute:


logman delete %computername%_IO

logman create counter %computername%_IO -c “\LogicalDisk(*)\*” “\Memory\*” “\Network Adapter(*)\*” “\Network Interface(*)\*” “\Paging File(*)\*” “\PhysicalDisk(*)\*” “\Process(*)\*” “\Processor Information(*)\*” -max 512 -f bincirc -si 00:00:01 -ow

logman start %computername%_IO


C:\msdata\xperf -on PROC_THREAD+LOADER+PROFILE+INTERRUPT+DPC+FILENAME+FILE_IO+FILE_IO_INIT+FLT_IO_INIT+FLT_IO+FLT_FASTIO+FLT_IO_FAILURE+DISK_IO+DISK_IO_INIT -stackwalk Profile+FileCreate+FileCleanup+FileClose+FileRead+FileWrite+FileSetInformation+FileDelete+FileRename+FileDirEnum+FileFlush+FileQueryInformation+MiniFilterPreOpInit+MiniFilterPostOpInit+DiskReadInit+DiskWriteInit+DiskFlushInit -BufferSize 1024 -MinBuffers 256 -MaxBuffers 2048 -MaxFile 4096 -FileMode Circular


  1. In the folder C:\msdata create data_stop.cmd with following content:

logman stop %computername%_IO

C:\msdata\xperf -d C:\msdata\io.etl

  1. Then ask customer to find an event id 17883 in the application event log, do right click -> attach and “attach task to this event”, in action for the task point it to the script – C:\msdata\data_stop.cmd
  2. Also make sure following options set for the task:
    Run whehet user is logged on or not
    Runt with Hihgest privileges


Test it, write to the app event log:
Write-EventLog -LogName Application -EntryType Error -Source MSSQLSERVER -EventId 17883 -Message “TEST ERROR EVENT – PLEASE IGNORE IT.”


Test if they are running:

xperf -loggers “NT Kernel Logger”
logman query “NT Kernel Logger” -ets


If session exist – trace is running.


SQL server or agent or any other login can access a fileshare?

Yes, but you need to check:



VMWare CPU Limit effect on VM computing and disk speed – CPU stolen time

Customer complaining about slow SQL server and event application timeout.
Hihg CPU usage and slow disk with bad disk time response.
Let’s check the the 4 CPU core:
Hihg CPU usage at night

At first glance, it seemed like a heavily used server.
The lack of server resources caused timeouts for the applications.

I suspect VMWare virtualization cause performance issue:

VMWare Virtualization CPU Stolen time
CPU Stolen time is high

Thanks for the teamwork, we found the settings which caused a poor performance: Continue reading “VMWare CPU Limit effect on VM computing and disk speed – CPU stolen time”

Performance Monitor for SQL Server

SQL szerver és windows os performancia figyelés:

Felesleges részek kivétele: pl Network Interface.